We have issues.

That we would like to be solved.

Issues List

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  • More Southern Housing presence and engagement wanted. Promises and assurances consistently not being followed through. Communal repairs needing to be ‘project managed’ by residents. Little or no feedback about progress of jobs / timescales.

    03/04/23: We have now had SH representation at a number of our resident meetings. We welcome this engagement and hope for more. Residents chair has had some phone meetings with estate managers, which has also been helpful.

    20/04/23: Two SH estate managers came to the estate for a walkabout with members of our residents association. Their presence was appreciated and we hope this will benefit their understanding of issues on the estate.

    20/05/23: Walkabout with head of landscaping and Southern Housing home services manager. Read meeting summary for more details.

    18/11/23: During the course of 2023, we have seen some improvement of engagement and presence from Southern Housing and United Living, although many issues have continued to go unaddressed. Residents have been communicating with one another, raising complaints with Southern Housing and the Housing Ombudsman and collaborating with our local Councillors and the Mayors office.

    In the past few weeks, these complaints have begun to be processed, and we’ve seen a marked increase in engagement, presence and action on the issues in our homes and on the estate.

    We’ve had direct communication with Southern Housings Director of repairs and estate transformation who has requested a meeting with residents to hear more about our issues in order to make improvements and better address ongoing problems.

    22/11/23: Southern Housings Director of repairs and estate transformation attended a meeting on the estate and heard from residents. The meeting was well attended and there were a number of positive outcomes, including plans for regular estate walk-arounds with Sh and residents and a number pledges regarding improving overall service.

    18/12/23: A group of senior Southern Housing representatives, including the Director of Repairs and Estate Transformation conducted a walk-around on the estate with good engagement from residents and some constructive processes have been put in place as a result.

    28/09/24: We have now had 5 walk-arounds with Southern Housing representatives which seems have been helpful.


    Serious problems reporting issues to Southern Housing / United Living.

    Many estate issues are going un-addressed because of this.

    11/01/23: This has been repeatedly communicated to SH. Unfortunately rather than having improved, this has gone from bad, to worse, to pretty much non-existent.

    25/01/23: Dozens of residents shared their experiences of being unable to report issues. The most serious problem is that United Livings phone line is, in most cases, not being answered. Residents find that their attempts to call end with a message saying there are no agents available and the line going dead. Sometimes at the start of the call. Sometimes after a long period on hold.

    15/02/23: Details shared with SH service centre but no action taken. Attempts to raise a complaint refused.

    17/02/23: Details shared with local councillors and passed onto the Mayor of Hackney for a meeting with SH leadership.

    28/02/23: Communication from SH stating that managers have taken our feedback to United Living regarding the telephone lines and are working with them to try and make improvements.

    13/03/23: Confirmation from SH complaint has now been raised. Awaiting feedback.

    21/08/23: Housing Ombudsman have launched an investigation about Southern Housings maladministration of their complaints system.

    30/08/23: Multiple complaints to SH still active, and requests for updates from Southern Housing are not being answered.

    15/11/23: There seems to have been an improvement in the ability of Southern Housing and United Living to receive and process the reporting of issues.

    26/06/24: The new maintenance contractors have started work. Southern Housing are moving the reporting process in-house, which will hopefully prove to be an improvement on the United Living situation.

    12/07/24: Residents have reported some improvement in the reporting process since Southern Housing took it back in-house. The addition of being given case numbers to follow up is welcomed.

  • General:

    More transparency wanted.

    More detail in breakdown of costs.
    Queries about decisions about what money is (and isn’t) being spent on.
    Questions around quality of quotes for work.


    Specific questions around charges for:

    Service Charge.

    11/01/23: Ongoing concerns over amount. Recent lack of response or action on estate issues is exacerbating this.

    20/04/23: Southern Housing agreed that there would be better communication around accounts going forward, Elsa to supply estimations.

    10/10/23: Residents sent co-signed letter to Southern Housing breaking down individual service charges, formally querying amounts for the year 2022/3. The letter focused on increase in costs at a time when service has been particularly poor.

    08/12/23: Our concerns have been acknowledged along with some explanation of some of the misleading costs. They will break down costs more clearly going forward and they hope to attend one of our meetings to better clarify future charges and discuss any issues.

    Rubbish removal (fly tipping)

    28/07/22: Amount charged raised with Southern Housing. SH employ a private contractor to remove tipping via their procurement process. Option for bin area gates being reviewed (more details below).

    Communal water - what does this include?

    28/07/22: Regular communal tank cleaning, legionnaires disease water tests three times per year, maintenance of tower block pump machinery, general upkeep and responding to leaks and other issues.

    Perpetually fixing the perpetually breaking wall in the middle of estate - alternative solutions?

    28/07/22: Agreed with SH to just stop fixing it to avoid repeated costs. (Also raised, possibility of fitting a bollard)

    Boiler House parties - external cleanup / questions re other potential costs.

    28/07/22: This is covered by estate cleaning staff.

    Insurance (has doubled from last year).

    28/07/22: Discussed with SH. Explanation given - SH changed their calculation which is now based on property value. This means rates are higher in high value areas and lower in low value areas.

    Fire maintenance

    25/01/23: Fire safety works undertaken, including door seals and new hinges on all communal fire-doors in the tower blocks. Residents would like a breakdown of what work was carried out, specifically around costs which seem high for the work that appears to have been done.

    28/01/23: New work notice indicating all fire-doors to now be replaced in both tower blocks at an approximate cost of several thousand pounds per flat. Residents met and collaborated to send individual and collective letters querying scope and cost

    31/03/23: Fire safety team indicated all works to be halted whilst they carried out further investigation. However shed doors were replaced and works started before the deadline for feedback had arrived. Communication procedure around replacing shed doors was all over the place; back-dated letters sent after works started, wrong work dates, contact numbers and email addresses.


  • Leaks being left for long periods without action

    11/01/23: This is a constant issue which is increasingly present. SH and United Living very non communicative on this matter. Many residents living with leaks and mould for long periods of time, some instances a number of years.

    30/08/23: Numerous reported issues across the estate, several complaints in the system, severe lack of communication or action. Councillors have been in touch with Southern Housing to escalate the matter.

    31/10/23: At least three official complaints regards leaks have now been upheld by Southern Housings complaints department after escalation to the Housing Ombudsman and local councillors. This led to action being taken on these issues.


    Series of internal leaks in tower blocks

    29/03/23: Visit from Southern Housing surveyor and contractor to investigate source of internal leaks in Cazenove Tower.

    31/10/23: During October United Living attended and fixed multiple leaks in Cazenove tower block and Contractors are due to visit Cazenove low rise shortly. Work has also been carried out to decorate affected properties.

    20/11/24: Inspections and periodic repair works have been undertaken but some leaks, particularly those coming from bathrooms and kitchen waste pipe leaks, into homes, corridors and store rooms are ongoing.


    Tower block roofs

    The roofs of the tower blocks are not currently sufficiently waterproof. A number of residents have stated that reports to Southern Housing of leaks into their homes have not been taken seriously, with little or no adequate action being taken.

    13/03/23: Formal complaint has now been raised with Southern Housing.

    20/03/23: Roofing contractor arrived to inspect the roof with a view of providing quotations for works. Southern Housing will get quotes from three different providers as part of the procurement process.

    31/04/23: Residents learned in October that some interim remedial work has ben carried out on the roof. This information was not passed on to affected residents despite ongoing requests for information.

    2/11/23: Remedial work carried out on residents ceiling damaged by roof leak.

    4/11/23 Letter from Southern Housing stating works are due to commence early 2024 to replace both tower block roofs.

    01/03/24: Work is due to begin on tower block roofs in the next couple of weeks.

    26/06/24: Work is being undertaken and seems to be progressing as hoped.

    20/08/24: Roof replacement project is completed ✔️

  • Tower block lifts

    11/01/23: Ongoing problem. Currently impossible to alert United living when lifts are broken.

    20/01/23: Lifts now fixed. Complaints lodged with SH / UL regards failure to answer phones or emails, resulting in inability to report a serious issue. Both lifts in the block were therefore broken for a number of weeks.

    20/04/23: The alarm button in the lift does not work (residents report this has been the case for a number of months)

    30/08/23: Alarm button still not working, regular problems with lifts.

    18/11/23: Lifts continue to go out of service regularly, although turn-around times for fixing them has improved.

    16/05/24: One lift in Cazenove bolck has ben out of service for nearly two months.

    7/06/24: Lift is fixed. (was completely out of service for 3 months)

    11/06/24: The other lift’s stopped working, then both lifts.

    After calls from several residents an engineer came out and managed to fix one of the two lifts.

    26/06/24: Both lifts are now working.

    16/10/24: During a period of particular problems with both lifts a young resident was trapped for a couple of hours before being released by the fire brigade.

    20/11/24: The lifts in both tower blocks have been continuing to go in and out of service on a regular basis. Southern Housings reporting system has been patchy and ineffective. Residents concerns about inadequate emergency protocols have been formally raised with Southern Housing through formal complaints and  a petition.

    Entry phone problems in tower blocks

    (Resolved 10/07/23 after 1 year 4 months)

    23/03/22: No working buzzers / entry phones on the top two floors of Cazenove tower block.

    14/06/22: Engineers visited but no action has been taken despite consistent attempts to get feedback from SH and United Living.

    06/11/22: Complaint raised with Southern Housing about issue, indicating a response should be received within 10 working days. No response received.

    04/01/23: Complaint to Housing Ombudsman in lieu of response from Southern Housing. They contacted SH to prompt them to respond to our complaint within 20 working days (which did not happen).

    13/03/23: Two months later Southern Housing respond to complaint, indicating that an engineer will be attending to evaluate the issue again.

    12/04/23: Unsure if engineer was sent but no updates and all entry phones still not working.

    14/04/23: Complaints team inform us that “they are having regular meetings with the surveying team to ensure that they are moving in the right direction”.

    10/07/23: Cazenove tower block entry phone system now replaced for entire block, all working well ✔️

    15/10/23: Some residents in Cazenove low block report that entry phone has been out of service for 3 years. Any update on this?


    Security Doors in various estate properties

    11/01/23: issues with security doors across the estate. Alkham Tower not secure for several weeks - now fixed.

    Block 67 eventually resorted to sourcing their own engineer.

    Cazenove and Alkham block security doors are heavily rusted. This has been raised repeatedly. No action yet taken, nor any response.

    27/08/23: Security door magnet in Alkham tower block is malfunctioning making it hard to open the door.

    10/11/23: Repair scheduled for Cazenove Tower block door on 29/11/23

    26/01/24: Cazenove tower security doors are now working.


    Communal area leak / flooding in storage area on south of Cazenove Tower

    Water regularly flowing across floor into residents storage sheds. New doors installed by Southern Housing this year already becoming damaged.

    20/04/23: Pointed out on walkabout

    30/08/23: Still occurring. Multiple requests for updates unanswered.

    05/11/23: Complaint upheld by Southern Housing, United Living have carried out additional works and appear to have greatly reduced issue.

    20/11/24: Unfortunately this leak has been recurring for some with a significant flow of water flooding the space every couple of months.

  • Guttering issues causing leaks etc - low newer blocks.

    28/07/22: Raised With estate management. Explanation given - The guttering need to be cleared twice a year but cherry picker is often obstructed by parked cars. We have suggested they communicate better with residents on this.

    25/01/23: Block 68 & 69 blocked gutters again leading to water pouring down building - when is the next clearance scheduled?

    30/08/23: Reports this is leaking again. Residents request for next scheduled clearance remain unanswered


    Outdoor water tap post by play area broken for two years.

    28/07/22: This tap has been decommissioned as there were ongoing problems with it leaking into underground service / utility room.

    25/01/23: Should this be removed?

    20/04/23: Raised on walkabout with Southern Housing

    20/05/23: Tap post discussed on walkabout

    18/11/23: Broken tap post still there.

    25/06/24: Broken tap post removed and ground filled ✔️


    Hazardous uneven paving ⚠️

    From leaking overflow pipes from Alkham:

    03/04/23: Overflow pipe seems to be fixed, but paving still uneven

    21/04/23: Multiple instances of uneven paving raised on walkabout with Southern Housing

    30/08/23: All instances of specified paving still uneven, getting worse

    13/09/23: Untied Living attended estate and fixed one (maybe more? But not all) of the uneven paving sites.

    18/11/23: Remaining uneven paving remains unfixed, complaint escalated to Housing Ombudsman.

    28/01/24: Alkham Road block uneven paving stones fixed.

    18/03/24: Uneven paving stones in middle of estate still not fixed. At least two people have now tripped and injured themselves. SH aware of situation but no action yet taken.

    29/05/24: Awaiting maintenance team to take action. Landscaping / gardening team managed to fix one of the particularly hazardous cobble stones and have done a temporary fix on the other, filling it with compacted soil.

    18/09/24: Uneven paving repaired to good standard ✔️


    23/09/24: Splits in surface of playground mended ✔️


    Door to pump house (Alkham Tower)

    11/01/23: Water damage, either from inside the pump house, or from rain water. No effective communication from SH.

    03/02/23: Video of open / unsecured pump house sent directly to Southern Housing surveyor. Additionally a letter sent to CEO by resident. Someone has since come and boarded up / secured the door.

    03/04/23: Door still boarded up.

    25/07/23: Resident chasing update told door was fixed on 10/07/23, although it is in fact still boarded up

    30/08/23: Still boarded up

    18/11/23: Still boarded up, complaint escalated to Housing Ombudsman.

    26/06/24: Still awaiting resolution.

    01/07/24: Flagged up with surveyor on walk-around. She was able to directly raise the job.

    05/07/24: The previously boarded up pump house entrance now has a steel door that appears to be fitted to a good standard ✔️


    Loose phone cables on Alkham tower

    28/07/22: Reported on walkabout, no action taken

    03/04/23: Still loose

    20/04/23: Pointed out to Southern Housing on walkabout

    30/08/23: Still loose

    18/11/23: Still loose, complaint escalated to Housing Ombudsman.

    26/06/24: Still awaiting resolution.

    1/7/24: Flagged up again on walk around.

    24/09/24: A second complaint has been raised. Resident notified by SH that the loose cables have been secured and made safe but this is not the case.

    20/11/24: Wires still hanging loose.


    New parking spaces next to Cazenove Tower uneven and some paving broken.


    Confusing numbering leading to mis-delivered packages

    23/05/22: New signs were installed.

    07/06/24: Signage seems to have largely resolved the issue ✔️


    Many repair jobs not addressed / happening too slowly.

    26/06/24: New maintenance contractors have started and some long awaited works have already been completed.


    General cleaning - method of logging specific cleaning gaps being discussed.

    28/07/22: SH have been asked for reports.


    Broken wall near Cazenove Tower

    01/11/23: Billy aware of broken wall, awaiting repair.

    15/01/24: Wall rebuilt to good standard ✔️


    Large brick pillar on entry to Cazenove Tower car park is completely cracked/split horizontally at base

    Reported to SH multiple times since mid 2022

    24/04/24: Pillar hit by vehicle and comes down.

    16/06/24: Pillar rebuilt ✔️

  • Upkeep / lack of new planting raised. Increasing empty gaps in beds.

    21/04/22: Raised with SH who offered to arrange a meeting with ground maintenance team.

    20/05/23: Met with gardening maintenance team to discuss issues, most notably soil issues leading to plants dying away. Solutions such as wood chip and allowing more greening generally to take place. Also discussed overgrown gardens behind older low block which needs further discussion. Adjustments to landscaping to address specific issues also suggested.

    Areas not on landscapers route

    Hedges at north of block 67:

    28/07/22: SH advise to communicate direct with team. Resident reported and has been added to route.

    20/05/23: Now on gardeners route and situation has improved ✔️

    Gardens behind low block:

    28/07/22: Residents with questions in this area require communication from SH regards their concerns.

    01/06/24: Landscapers trialed participating in No Mow May on the estate. Feedback on this has been positive, especially in connection with wildflowers which have been sown by residents of the estate ⭐️

    24/09/24: Landscapers planted some new plants and shrubs in empty spaces in the beds ⭐️

  • General:

    Non residents congregating, drug taking, urinating etc in communal indoor and outdoor spaces including stairwells, play decks, car parks etc

    Ongoing lighting and security issues contribute to this.


    Noise issues from parties at the Boiler House

    28/07/22: Residents fed back that there was an improvement in noise management. Boiler House ask that any complaints are communicated directly to them by email (or WhatsApp if immediate).



    Fly tipping round bins from non residents:

    28/07/22: Gated bin area option under review. SH looking for funding for this

    30/08/23: Getting worse, regular stacks of furniture and other materials around bins and up against space outside tower blocks.

    6/11/23: Southern Housing have put up signs stating fly tipping is prohibited. Unsure if this has made a difference. Fly tipping still constant.


    Food being thrown from block balcony

    01/09/22: A letter was sent out and this has more or less stopped.

    30/08/23: Started back up again over the summer in the form of rubbish bags dropped into bushes next to play area from balcony.


    Food and rubbish littering in bin areas.

    01/09/22: Ongoing problem.


    Litter from Boiler House parties

    01/09/22: Currently no parties.

    10/11/23: Parties have been taking place at the Boiler House but there have been no reports of any litter problems.


    Car parks / Sports pitch / Communal external areas.


    Dog mess being left around grass at south end of estate

    20/04/23: Southern Housing have suggested the possibility of funding for fences / gates / hedges

    6/11/23: Southern Housing have put up signs next to some green areas stating dog free space.


    Please note. If you need direct action on anti-social behaviour, please report to the police. See contacts section.

  • Estate lighting

    11/01/23: Constantly breaking. Particularly now on South half of estate. Engineer was due on 05/01/23 but hasn’t happened.

    20/01/23: Some lights now working.

    26/01/23: All lights currently working.

    03/04/23: Some lights have stopped working again outside the houses.

    20/04/23: Walkabout with SH. Identified lights currently not working.

    30/08/23: Contractors attended and repaired much of the lighting. A couple of lights still always broken.

    16/02/24: Ongoing issue with many exterior lights not working on estate. Raised by multiple residents over a period of months. Remains unresolved.

    16/04/24: Main problem lights in middle of estate fixed ✔️


    Internal safety lighting

    20/04/23: Walkabout with SH. Pointed out lighting currently not working.

    10/07/23: Following a residents complaint about multiple broken safety lights United Living repaired only the light outside this residents property, using non emergency light. This has been reported and escalated to the Housing Ombudsman.

    10/11/23: Residents of Alkham tower block report United Living have begun to replace some of the broken safety lights.

    01/03/24: A full set of new safety lights have been fitted inside both tower blocks ✔️


    Items being left in internal communal areas

    11/01/23: Southern Housing have written letters stating this is a fire safety issue.


    CCTV option

    28/09/24: Mixed opinions among residents, with questions around cost and effectiveness. Any residents that wish to put forward a case for CCTV can raise this at residents meetings or directly to estate management (Southern Housing).


    External gates for car entry points

    11/01/23: Opinion is split on this. Most residents do not see this as a realistic option, echoed by SH.

  • Multiple residents having problems getting hold of / updating parking permits.

    10/08/23: Raised with SH

    30/04/24: Raised with SH by many residents. Discussed on walk-around.

    01/06/24: Residents permits received.


    Non residents parking without permits. Enforcement not being effective.

    28/07/22: Raised with SH who indicated they would chase this up with their parking enforcement company. Has this improved?

    Regards van + car parking without plates, SH contacted DVLA - no longer parking here ✔️


    Quality / quantity / security of bike parking provision.

    24/09/22: Many residents waiting a number of years for a space.

This issues list has been shared with Southern Housing at a high level, Local Councillors and the Mayor of Hackney.

  • The list

    If you have something you’d like to add to the list, feedback on an items status, if you have any questions or would like to discuss an item, get in touch.

  • Currently prioritised

    The issues that the Residents Association is currently prioritising relate to maintenance, safety and costs.

  • Campaigns

    This website has a section where residents can create campaigns that focus on specific issues or ideas. There will also be space at meetings to develop this.