The Next residents meeting will be in 2025
Resident Meetings
Once a season we meet in the Boiler House to discuss life on the estate, identifying where important improvements can be made.
What to expect in a meeting
Each meeting begins with brief introductions followed by the group Chair feeding back updates and developments. We discuss the updates and residents share opinions, experiences, thoughts and ideas. Then there’s a window to share any other issues that have not yet been raised.
Moving forwards we will add some different discussion and idea generating formats. Those that wish to create campaigns around specific issues can get support and assistance.
It’s important that residents feel free to be as involved as much or little as they wish.
We are a group of residents from the George Downing Estate who have come together to connect over shared issues, support one another, and work toward making meaningful improvements to life on the estate. We are comprised of tenants, renters and leaseholders.
We operate informally and are entirely unfunded: The benefits of becoming a formally constituted residents association come with a traditional structure of requirements, commitments, roles and responsibilities that nobody has been eager to enter into. At this point we’ve decided to keep things simple, informal and centred on community.
Findings from meetings
Through meeting and discussing we’ve been able to identify key issues; those which are most pressing and affect the widest number of residents.
There has been high levels of dissatisfaction regards the management and maintenance of the estate by Southern Housing for a number of years. Continuing lack of engagement and inadequate action is creating serious problems. Residents report feeling unsafe, ignored and frustrated.
Communicating to estate management
This has been shared with Southern Housing via ongoing phone and video meetings as well as on estate walkabouts and at our residents meetings.
We would like to see an increase in Southern Housing presence on the estate, and more accountability regards action needed.
Results and next steps
We’re gathering results and feeding them into the main estate issues list, adding updates as they arise. We’re making this list publicly available and sharing it with Southern Housing. We’ve passed it on to our local councillors and to the Mayor of Hackney, following a request from his office. Formal complaints have been raised by various residents both to Southern Housing and the Housing Ombudsman who launched an investigation into Southern Housing’s maladministration regards reporting and complaint handling.
What we’ve gained from meeting
We share our experiences and connect to our neighbours. We gain knowledge from one another and develop awareness of what’s happening across the estate - the first step towards creating change. We’ve picked up local wisdom, tips and techniques, while supporting one another. We all benefit from the spectrum of skills held by people that live on this estate.
The evidence we’ve gathered has been presented to estate management and other external bodies, illustrating the full picture of our issues.
We can combine our voices over shared issues, collectively or via synchronised individual actions. As the saying goes, communities are built together.