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George Downing Estate

Hackney, London, N16 6BE

George Downing Estate

The estate sits between Stoke Newington Common and train station. Built in 1965 with a second phase in 2009, the estate is home to around 500 people.

The Boiler House

The Boiler House is a community space serving the estate and local community.

  • Boiler House Spaces work to connect local people through supportive community spaces In Hackney.

  • The Boiler House once piped heat and hot water straight to our homes. When radiators and boilers came in it became the estate community centre.

    In 2010 two estate residents formed a social enterprise which breathed new life into the building. It became The Boiler House Community Space - supporting happier, healthier, connected communities.

  • Boiler House Spaces are in the process of developing a community space on the estate, including a community garden, facilities to support urban agriculture, improved sports and fitness centre, kitchen, creative spaces, and meeting/ therapy rooms.

    The scope of the project has changed as a result of various circumstances. The latest update regards the development can be read here.

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